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Good Manners at Mass


The Mass is the most important thing we participate in as Catholics. This is why each and every Youth Group meeting begins with Mass, as often as possible. This is also why members of the Youth Group are encouraged to participate as Altar Servers, readers, and music leaders.


Preparing for Mass - Whether or not you have a specific assignment this week, we all have an important role at Mass. This role is the role of giving thanks to God with our whole heart and mind. In your heart, offer up your intention for the Mass during the silence after the opening prayer, and listen attentively to the readings and prayers, giving the appropriate responses at the appropriate times, and taking up the appropriate postures. When you give yourself to Jesus in the Mass, you will find that He gives Himself to you abundantly in ways you never expected.


In order for that to happen, preparation is essential.


If you are 14 years old or older, fast (refrain from food and drink other than water and necessary medication) for at least one hour before receiving Holy Communion. 


Use the bathroom, wash your hands, and get a drink of water before going in to the Church, so that these personal necessities are taken care of ahead of time. Be fully prepared for your specific assignment, and take care of any tasks you need to complete prior to Mass.  Take a few minutes before Mass to kneel in silent prayer and ask God to open your heart to the graces that are flowing out from the Mass this evening. Quiet your mind and heart, and focus on the things that are happening in the present moment.


Posture - Take up the appropriate posture for each movement of the Mass. Stand straight, sit straight, kneel upright. Don't slouch or fall all over the place like a rag doll, and don't twist around to look at what your friend is doing.


Be Fully ConsciousPray the prayers of the Mass in your heart as the priest prays them aloud - don't just sit there waiting for them to be over. Be attentive. Look at the priest or the reader. Listen with your heart as well as with your ears. Respond appropriately and clearly. Notice what God is trying to tell you. Pay attention to what Father is saying to you in the homily. Pay close attention to the prayers of the faithful, and keep one in your heart to remember to pray for again, later in the evening when we return again to pray for one another and for the world.


Be Considerate of Others - Nobody wants to see you chewing gum or drinking something, or hear you laughing and talking during the Mass. These kinds of behaviour are very annoying and distracting to those around you. 





If you are in a state of grace, you have fasted, and you are fully prepared, receive Holy Communion reverently. The Eucharist is the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ - not merely a symbol.


When the priest or the Extraordinary Minister says, "The Body of Christ," you respond "Amen." You can receive either in the hand, or on the tongue. If you receive on the tongue, open wide and flatten your tongue so that there is no danger of the Host falling out.


If you receive on the hand, place one hand over the other to create a little "throne" for Jesus. Take Him out of the top hand with your other hand, and put the whole Host into your mouth - don't bite it in half like a cracker, don't lick it off your hand, and don't pop it into your mouth like popcorn.


If you are choosing not to receive Holy Communion today, clearly signify that you want a blessing by crossing your arms over your heart.

Remember always to do your very best, and that no matter what, Jesus always loves you. You are always, always welcome at Mass. We cannot always be perfect, but it is important to strive toward the very best we can be. In this way, we become open to the great gifts of grace that Jesus wants to give us each time we come to Mass, whether with our families on Sundays, or with the Youth Group on Tuesdays, or any other time.

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